MASSIVE Protest Demands US Troops Leave Iraq

It is important for you dear readers to recognize in what crucial times we live in and the decisions being made by our democratic processes we enjoy for good or bad will have severe consequences for our own future and the rest of the world for a long time to come, what you see in these picture where tens of thousands Iraqis on the streets to demonstrate NOT against all foreign forces but Americas forces there, and before we go further in our factual analysis of what we are seeing here, I can inform you this gathering is initiated by a cult leader Moqtada Al Sadr and his fake Mahdi Army cult followers, yes he have a following of hundred thousand or so and they are all Shia, what the mollas of Iran is doing right now is to get all the Shias from different groups to gather in these mass protests waving the Iraqi flag, these losers have started to learn lol because every other time they protest like this they always have their many different shia flags waving and almost NEVER the Iraqi flag, this time as you can see is different, they have left all their other shia flags at home and waving only the Iraqi one, this is clear proof that they are instructed to do so, this is NOT a popular citizens protest but by a cult with a cult leader and leaders, so dont get fooled by this so called mass protests, and the fact that TYT has bought into this tells you all you need to know about how incompetent they are in their presentations, you dear readers should know better of what is going on, first of all there are I am sure not one Sunni Kurdish Christian Irais there among them, this is as I told you a Shia gathering in support of their many criminal Shia millenials and their families, and they have been shipped in from all over Iraq and who knows perhaps Iran as well, I am sure there are many Iranians there too, what is happening in front of your eyes if you are not careful is another unislamic revolution like in 1979 in Iran happening in Iraq, back then you regret allowing Khomejni the Cursed One, the one who sold me to Sodom for them to discredit me from day one, thats another story but thats what happened, if you lefties remain as ignorant as some of your policy makers were 40 years ago you will have another molla Iran this time in Iraq, and who will clean up after you then, you dont care, all you fools care is to get rid of Trump and disregard every sense of logic along the way, look this is what have said and its all record, when Hillary was relevant because of her war mongering attitude i opposed her, and I oppose the naivety of Bernie as well just as much, I say we should not be warmongers as Hillary was and not soft and easy going as Bernie is, middle path people middle path !! Bernie the reason I cannot support him is because his foreign policies are straight out super dangerous, listen friends, the world is a crazy place, dont just sit there and watch these world leaders at UN at Davos in their suits pretending to be super civilized and talk about only positive things and what they want the world to be like, all candy and stuff, dont get fooled by their smiles and words, these same world leaders would suck your blood dry and take every single thing your countries have, its the law of the jungle EVERYWHERE, like I have told you, take Sweden for an exemple, their leaders look so innocent and civilized while there is a pedophile ring running the whole damn country, but you would never suspect that when you see their leaders or representatives at UN or anywhere else, just much as some of you would never suspect the mollas of Iran in Iraq in cahoots with them all, the world is a fucked up place I am telling you, going back to Iraq right now, these Shia cults and they are many, what you see or thought you saw or knew is not that the Shia is only a denomination of Islam and the Muslim population, it is that but it is also in some cases cults within them running the show, cult leaders who preach one thing but in secret act totally differently, what I am telling you is this, if you fall for this propaganda of theirs, you will create such chaos in Iraq between the Shias the Sunnis the Kurds for ages to come, right now the Shias have the momentum and they know it and the mollas of iran are capitalizing on your naivety and taking advantage of the situation while completely disregarding the will and wished of the Sunnis and Kurds, and my God forbid if the mollas of Iraq get more powerful and get all foreign forces out of Iraq, which will never happen if I can help it, they will subjugate the Sunnis and then the Sunni world will rise up and you will see something much worse than ISIL, I am warning you, this will happen if the US gets out, Iraq will turn into another Syria that will force US and perhaps the Russians to repeat the same mistakes of Syria, we are not there yet, and we cannot allow it to happen, dont be naive friends, at this point do not vote for anyone by Trump, Bernies foreign policies can start WW3, we must show strength right now, we cannot just pull out of Middle East right now, if you follow the suggestions of the Dems you will destroy the credibility of US in the MIddle East and force our allies to turn to Russia and China, dont be this foolish, I am warning you, we will pull out when things has stabilized, not right now, and if the new IRGC dares step a foot into Iraq he will meet the same fate as that rat Soleymani did, he shouldnt talk as much as he does, just take a step outside your rat hole and see what will happen to you, look at me, I am no coward, I walk freely anywhere, I dont hide behind anyone really, I have my Creator and thats all I need, you mollas are going DOWN !!!
