Meghan Markle "Had No Idea What She Was Getting Into" Says Paul Burrell ...

I hope people do not fall for the dirty misleading arguments mentioned by Piers Morgan here and those like him like, what are they going to do now, as if Prince Harry and Princess Meghan are now suddenly paralyzed totally clueless what they will do now, these two very popular love birds will have more than plenty to do, and thats part of the point, the other part is the divisive part people in British media like Morgan over here has played forcing my two love birds to finally say, enough is enough pack up and leave, the truth is, most of the blame should go towards people like Morgan and those like him who are now pretending to be innocent pretending to be clueless themselves why this couple took the decision they took, and Morgan also seems to be totally clueless of what falling in love, I am sure he grew up in a family where they didnt give him much attention either because he is always such a stone cold hearted individual with ability of showing empathy and showing sympathy for others, he is always so critical never have anything positive to say about much and when he gives his best and try one in a while two seconds after starting a positive sentence he is about to formulate then he just have to make a uturn showing his real true character continuing the sentence into something negative, so being negative is how he ends all his points with, because he is a son of bitch, he should eat more fibers, Harry and Meghan fell in love and their hearts decided to get married, I dont think the primary motivation for Meghan to marry Harry was titels or anything Morgan mentioned, Megha was already doing well and money is not everything, the hardships she has gone through much thanks to people like Morgan over here must have been taking hard on her both physical and mental health, money cannot cure these things, so on the question of some commoners like on this program asking how one can walk away from living in a castle, yeah people do, I could never live like that either, I rather live in a nice bigger boat than living in a castle like these caged royals do, some of us are NOT ready to marry for the position, there are other gold diggers in the British royal family and that is NOT Meghan that much I can tell you, in any case, I am glad that the US media is on the side of my two love birds, the US media is at least fair, they dont air stupid people and their monkey ass arguments like Morgan, and I am also glad media from other countries are fair as well, ok now lets talk about REVOLUTIONS, what have I missed  😁
