Paula Faris Opens Up About Whirlwind Year, Talks Podcast "Journeys of Fa...

I a sorry to hear about Paulas miscarriage and the other unfortunate events happened to her, getting hit by an apple in the head was perhaps what she needed for her penny to drop and wake up to a couple of facts, the fact that she started to think about God and all that other things around it is the first reminder, I can remind of her and all you other friends of a similar subject matter that I think its time for me to rise up, I want to remind our ladies that having a miscarriage shouldnt discure you and make you too sad too much and I will tell you why, as I have informed you, after 90 days three months God send a propriate soul into the fetus you ladies carry, a soul YOU deserve !! as parents, I will soon come back to this subject but before I do that I want you inform you why you shouldnt as ladies beat yourselves too much with sadness over a miscarriage, as I said after three months the fetus is considered a human being, and if you for some reason do not deliver that child, that child is guaranteed a place in Paradise, something that human being would perhaps not been granted if the child was born and to grow old, because of the sins they would potentially heavy themselves with , but now that human being is on its way to Paradise, you as parents should be happy for him or her that God saw fit to take that child and be super merciful towards it, there are too many reasons why God take these decisions what we as Believers know, that that human being received the kind of mercy you and I didnt, not that kind of mercy, because we are still trapped here in this realm, we are in grave danger not the children that leave this world at the early stages, so if you really are a true Believer, you should worry about yourself, if you deal your card right you WILL eventually reunite with yours in another realm, so dont be selfish to want everything here and now when there are so much else, out there, another thing I want to inform you friends about making babies, and how to do it the right way, as I told you, god will send appropriate soul into the fetus YOU deserve as parents, everything is NOT about that the fact your child shares your DNA and chromosomes, the child might look like you but the soul determinants wto actually is behind the facade of the child that looks a little bit like you, so here is how you do babies, to begin with, do NOT make the act of love making about lust or anything but ONLY for the purpose of making a child, do NOT be influenced by alcohol or drugs, and before you get down to business, make the business very short, again this should NOT be an act of love making as such, and most importantly, both of you should pay to God before the act after you cave cleaned yourselves by first taking a shower, you should turn to God and ask God to grant a soul that is in line with Gods words, this is very important, do that and I promise you, God will hear you out and grant a super nice soul for your coming baby that will make your lif an easy one and God willing others as well, I bet you never knew how to make babies until I told you 😉 do that and you wont be sorry, I promise, look I am very upset today over a thing that happened today, perhaps I will let you know tomorrow, wth I will tell you right now,  its about the mercy of God and stuff, a couple of days before I arrived here in Gran Canaria I layed anchored outside the marina here because they didnt have birthplaces, after a couple of days anchoring I heard an electric engine on under my boat, and I thought to myself wth could that be, I couldnt have anchored above a pump or something that is next to impossible so what is that noise, then it came to me, it must either be something or someone under my boat doing something, I went outside of the cabine looked down, not directly under the boat but from where I stood I just looked down if I saw something and I didnt saw anything really, and the noise stopped, the day after the same noice of an electric engine going off right under me and remember, sound travels faster under water than in the air, the haul of a boat will exemplify any noise from its near vacility so I got outside and saw nothing again, the noise stopped and the thought came to me again that something is going on here, the next day I stopped thinking about it, then today i went to lift up my boat and guess what I found AGAIN, a long piece of steel wire around my shaft and propeller, AGAIN, what had happened was, these evil bastards had once again tired to mess up my propeller again, like they did in UK as well, same thing there, I layed anchored and what do you know the next day I got something around my propeller, but the thing then was the boat I had in UK was with an electric motor, not a strong diesel like this one, unlike the other one this one could run for a while, the electric one the fuse went immediately and because of the super strong current as I have told you back then it was dragging the boat even with a dropped anchor, they have crazy currents in the UK where I was, and also back then I didnt hear anything at one time I heard something hitting the bottom of my boat even though I had ten meter to the bottom, anyways, rest is history now, so today i discovered a new stainless steel wire around my shaft and propeller, and this time these monkeys wanted to make sure things went really south so they used steelwiree, and you should know guys, there is no way you can lay anchored somewhere and get a floatingg steel do NOT float, it sinks to the bottom in case you didnt know, so here is the thing, as soon as I arrived here, i have been shut at and they have messed with my boat again and only God knows what more they have tried, at least in Portugal, outside the marina on daily basis I saw mini military RC submarine scanning the entrance of the marina so people do not try anything, but while here there is one attempts after the other, so on the question of what God looks after us, yeah tell me about it, or i just told you about it, the thing is, if I had not lift up my boat today and sailed off this damn wire would have been disastrous long the way, so God made me list up my boat to install something I actually didnt needed really, I just wanted that extra thing there and then I discovered this wire they had planted there, and I have couple witnesses too, I am deeply disappointed, i want an investigation on this terrorist act, and its NOT the first one, they have tried to shoot me to snipe me too here, look I dont give a damn, all I know is that God is looking after me and thats the only thing I need to know, and God is merciful enough not to inform me of just about every conspiracy these Luciferians are pulling,concerning me like that, but now after all their efforts they once again got exposed, imagine being these losers, for 40 years they have tried to kill me, with all their resources what have they achieved, absolutely nothing, they will end up with my foot right up their somewhere, alright, thats all I have to say about this, tomorrow is a new day, Gods day, remember that you evil monkeys !!
