Royals photographer reveals insight into Harry, Meghan's departure | Tod...

Stop acting so surprised, its your own fault you should have treated her with respect, its also the fault of Kate I think also the queen, the queen should have made a couple of things very clear for some members of the family and the press but more to some members of the family, Meghan is a newcomer and civilized people know you must treat a newcomer as a guest but more so because Meghan is now a family member, but it never happened, instead they picked on her and now he is showing how she feels, I support Princess Meghan fully in this, although I wished something could be worked out but that would require a miracle at this point, thou we must remain hopeful, and saying like this gent that Prince Harry just ran away is the kind of things that is making things more divisive and its doing no good because Prince Harry didnt just ran away, he was forced away and when people hear this kind or rhetorics it just piss people of, these people should know better what comes out of their mouths.
