Saudi Arabia's MBS faces another scandal I Inside Story

I have always said, the door is open to the Money Community Society for more members to join as a force of good to battle corruption when nation states refuse to do their jobs, we have to in this case with Princess Salma Bin Knife make sure his Vision 2030 to become a distant dream of her and like in the case of Mr Khashoggi when we made his stock market fall with 40 Billion Dollars which to this day makes my heart beat with joy every time I think about it also draw with a marker once again that more loses is to come for messing around, and lets also make sure for the other 7000 princes they have to step up and get rid of his fat ass and replace her with someone more competent, or I will have to take over management of Arabia myself, look you have two choices, either you do right and replace him or I have to replace him myself, you want me or her I quess is the question ?? did I just heard you said you want me, ok, I am honored, I take upon myself to be your new Khalif, i will from now on be recalled as the Super Khalif, I always wanted to be a Super Khalif 😊
