Signs of the Times 12th January 2020 By Sheikh Imran Hosein

You call that an accurate analysis ??  you are a big joke in the eyes of those who know you and who you work for Imran, your analysis is in fact a big humiliation for you but then also a disinfo agent like yourself long ago sold his honor and dignity, the fact of the matter is, just about everything you mentioned here are the opposite of what happened and the fact that you know it makes you one hell of a good and loyal agent, I wished someone like you worked for me with that dedication you present each time you show your face in public, but if you worked for me, I would have fired you as soon as I head one single lie from you, thats the difference between me and your boss, I dont tolerate misleading arguments while you dont shy away from being dishonest, I understand buddy, its about taking sides right ? its one or the other, as everyone who knows me are aware, I was on the other side for 35 years, I did and said and repeated the same arguments you are doing, but when i saw what kind of devils YOUR side are I woke up and changed my perspective, I am of the belief that at least this side has a chance for being redeemed and have a chance to change for better, I am not drawing a line between peoples if thats what you believe, no, I am saying because of the system here provided, these people are more receptacle for change while YOU Imran, you support autocrats, dictators and communists, when have we ever heard you you damn hypocrite ever criticize the Chinese Communist Party for enslaving millions of Muslims, when have we ever heard YOUR block ever criticize them, you monkeys never do, because you are damn hypocrites and corrupt to your spinal cords, you are proving my point each day when you wake up and go on public spreading your lies like you do here, and now you are protecting a molla luciferian cult who I swear to Allah run prdophile rings inside Iran as we speak, may Allah strike me down may God send me to eternal hellfire if what I am saying is a lie, the other day the new head of IRGC said he will give the killers of that rat Soleymani a manly response, I say to him and his Supreme Whole that wth do you know about manhood honor and dignity when you run pedophile rings, when you sell innocent children to in my case to a pedophile cult in Sodom, wth do you know about honor you filthy sons of whores all of you, you belong in Hell, you are all a bunch of filthy smelly dirty rats and when enough people hear the truth of what you monkeys really are, your own people will hang you where you stand, we on the other hand, we will create a new just and a beautiful world, while you can dwell in your own filth, and anyone who rejects you is welcome, and see how we will create this new world, you will be sidelined and in a short amount of time, you will even be forgotten as if you never existed, I promise you what i said here will come be, and if you dont like it, do something about it, for 40 years you never could do anything about it, and till the end you never will, because God hates you, and He loves me, I am His favorite, kapish lol 😁
