Khamenei: US Accused of Creating Coronavirus, It Would Be Unreasonable t...

I will in due time with the grace of God prove to you all that the mollas like this Supreme Filth and those before him made a pact with the Devil Eblis to gain power over Iran for a sinister agenda, dont think for a second that these mollas are God fearing, they worship Eblis their father, the mollas are killers of many saints and true followers of God, I have said this many times, look at the achievements of the mollas, have they managed to invite people to worship God or have they managed the opposite, they are the fruits of a poisoned tree that has devastated many generations, this what I am saying is clear for all with eyes to see, and for the rest of you especially the Iranians, you know how rude how uncivilized and corrupt the Bassijs are and how they treat people, like less than animals, do I dare ask you again, is these people the representatives of something good or something wicked, the answer is clear, I have also said this before, the plague of mollism is a punishment from God to the Iranian people for turning away from Him, you might think you are God chosen people with your Shiaism and its traditions but you are wrong, you suffer like many others from cognizant decident, a sickness that is more difficult to cure than perhaps any other plague any other disease, I can assure you these mollas will be sent to wherever hellhole they crawled out of in time but before that you need to know your true enemy, its right beside you, the corrupt mollas, I say this again, the mollas has hijacked the suffering of the Ahlul Bait and turned it into something they can profit from, what the Ahlul Bait suffered in the hands of their oppressors the mollas are doing the exact same thing to the remainings of the Ahlul Bait, this will all come out in due time for all to see what kind of monsters the mollas really were, do not believe a word out of their filthy mouths, I sure dont because I know them by now, and why do you think the mollas are out to get me, they have sent their assassins their female prostitutes the magicians you name it they have tried everything, look friends, I unlike most of you have seen what they are capable of, not much really, they are pathetic, I have seen their most dedicated followers of the mollas from the Iranian mollas to Iraqi to Lebanese they are in secret worship Eblis, sure they pray in time, telling the truth I dont know what they pray to, cant be God but they do pray they act as if they do fast and they all have their heads into the Holy Books, I suspect they do not read those books to gain wisdom but to know their enemy who is God, this is what they are doing I think, and the reason I say this, although they read and pray and do all these things, their actions and deeds are the exact opposite of what is stated on the Holy Books, and all of they are the agents of this Supreme Filth and prostitute of Eblis Satan, dont get fooled by their simpleness these mollas and how they look, you should see how they dress at their secret parties, dont be a fool, do not listen to these little devils, they are themselves the enemies of God.
