We are still in the beginning of this outbreak: Dr. Inglesby

I really hate to alarm people but I also say judging from how fast this virus has spread in a short amount of time, I also believe this is the calm before the storm, there are a couple of things to be done before it gets lot worse in my view, I believe if the whole country could be shut down I mean a total lockdown for a month or perhaps less, just so that the government can test every single individual give them a certificate that they have been cleared so they can go back out to their work or whatever they were doing, but in this case we must be able to test 350 million citizens within a month or less, its a expensive hard and a drastic move but if it could be done it would save the whole country, but you need to be able to test and clear 350 million people in a month or some, what I am afraid of is, this virus doesnt resemble anything before it, it doesnt look good at all, this coronavirus, and have you noticed something, why does these viruses bear the name of royal titles, like corona like sar (Zar) and there are other examples too what up with that ?? but on a serious note, the sooner we could shut everything down and test every single citizen the sooner things could go back to normal again, but it requires that action would be taken before things get worse, but then again, I dont sit on the correct numbers and much more so this is the best suggestion I can offer right now, think of the whole country as a big cruise ship, what would you have done in such case, that is the question.
