It gives me great pleasure to formally wish you all friends out there a very happy Easter and a safe Easter, remember to observe the general cautions you all have been made to known and to follow for your own safety, I pray to God that this pandemic will be followed by God willing some good news for all but mostly for those who have lost love ones, they are in most need of comfort and only God can provide for them, I also urge all you believers of the Almighty NOT to go to your houses of worship at this time, you must be reminded that God is fully aware of your intentions and what is in your hearts better than you are aware of it yourselves, you (can) in fact worship from a distance you dont need to put yourselves and those you love at risk to prove something, He knows you love Him, He has also given you the gift of reasoning and to be logical, USE IT wisely !! He has give you brains, use it well !! you are not using these gifts wisely if you blindly jump of the cliff to prof you love and trust Him, that is not love or trust that He will miraculously save you, He has said, He will help you with your second step but the first one is for you to take and make your true wise intentions knows, not to Him but for yourself, to show what true worship means when you have free will to choose the wise way of going about things, take the right step and may He help you the rest of the way, happy Easter and stay safe :)
And btw, I wont be moving myself anywhere today, I am still tired I have noticed, I need another day of rest, my eyes are still very tired and I have hurt my leg I have also noticed, I must have hit it on something the day before yesterday, I think tomorrow I will be back up and going like nothing has happened :)
