Hello friends !
I hate typing and writing from my phone, just hate it, feels unnatural :) so I won't be able to write much as much as I want, a though I would like to share with you is that, I think I am gonna leave the US,people here are too scared to approach me, I can't  see why, I need brave people around me, I don't need talkers, I need doers, I don't need people afraid of their own shadows, it's not about being good people or not, its  about what people want, there are good people all over the world, but not all are willing to do whats needed,unity its what's needed, I have a dilemma here, I don't go by party lines because I don't  want to favor one over the other,wouldn't be fair,and I am not here to drive a wedge between others,cuz then you don't get anything done either, truth of the matter is,I don't think people are ready to change the old ways of doing things, truth be told,America is a big beautiful place, personally I like deserts,and there are plenty of it here, so perhaps I'll go and live in a desert for a while, to think  things over, that would be helpful  lol perhaps I'll start my own cult there lol that could be the start of something wonderful, just need to come up with a cool name for it and half the job is done hmmm :) and only babes under 70kg can join that's less than 5% of the Murican babe population and things are not looking lighter nowadays when all are social distancing, look I don't blame  you, when I tried practicing extreme social distancing when I left on my boat from Sweden I got a little bit around my belly too so I do feel with you guys, I think we all need that desert heat to burn some leftover calories and also to clear our minds, deserts can work miracles they say, anyway, I don't  wanna write anymore,bye :) 
