Hello  friends !
I hope you all are doing as good as Iam doing, because one of my biggest worries has been taken care of, now I have my own place on a new boat that is,its bigger  than the one I came with, still have some work to be done on it but that's hobby for me,when its finished it will be fit for a king ;) I still have no a solid internet connection but in the coming weeks I will than I can write 5000 words down which I know some of you friends do not like very much but how else can I go more into detail discussing important issues and we have lots to discuss and go through, there is a cafeteria I could go to and get connected and if you like, perhaps I'll see you there ;) look this is United States of America not Sweden, this is MY country, Iam safe here, here I shouldn't have to hide and lock  myself  up  anywhere, iam ofcourse not  naive, danger is everywhere, but here iam willing to take the risk, here unlike  Sweden, the government doesn't wanna kill me, here a brother he has friends, anyways, I feel good and that's important, so I'll end with started this very important message for you all, I hope you all are feeling as good as I am  right now, just remember! The quickest way for  life to get back to normal is to practice social distancing, you need to be respectfully  responsible like that toward yourself and everyone else, I have lot say but I need a real keyboard I hate it like this, it sucks, ok guys stay cool now, and for our younger friends, you be good to your parents right now, they are under a lot of stress don't make things harder on them, alrighty then, peace in the neighborhoods!! :)
