Hello friends ! Omg where do I even begin, here are the latest updates, look at these waves, I was in the middle of this, not this particular picture but something very close or actually worse that that, I would say it was worse than that, but its the closest picture I found to give you a good picture of what went down for the past week, om Monday I set sail from southern North Carolina to New York City, I calculated it would take me four days of sailing then I would be there, according to the weather report which none of you should ever trust, it said there would be a storm coming in from land to the sea in other words from west to east or south easterly winds on Friday or Saturday morning, I thought I would be there at latest on Thursday night, but here is what happened in real life, and I emphasize on real life because real life is, you either make it whatever you are dealing with or you just dont, and when it doesnt sometimes it ends up badly, and in my case always very very sour, on Monday I set sail I had down winds for the first and the second day and things were going smoothly and everything was going fine, harsh wings but the boat was going well, on Wednesday the winds went from down winds southerly winds to westerly winds. things were still going not too bad, it was uncomfortable but thats sailing for you, cant complain too much, on Thursday I had only 70 miles to finally reach my final destination New York City after having sailing for over 11 000 nortical miles I was forced to turn back because the boat couldnt take it more, we are talking about 45 to 60 knot winds, trust me you wouldnt want to be there with me, I was shit scared honestly, but what happened next was devastating, once again a rouge came in from the side and like in the mega storm I went through sailing in the Bay of Biscay which also just washed over everything, this one this rouge wave I was not prepared for, I was inside the cabin believe it or not after a couple of days I was so tired I actually slept, you actually never sleep, what you do is resting, because there is no way one can sleep with a boat being thrown around like crazy with all the notices and everything so what you do is to rest, and when you rest like that is usually when your batteries are totally drained, then perhaps you can close your eyes for ten minutes or so, so I did that, then this rouge wave came in and honest to god almost totally flipped my boat, from once laying in your bed to the next second you find yourself on the roof in the cabin and everything in the boat was all over the place, I mean things I couldnt imagine could end up where they did end up at did just that, but the frightening moment was when the boat was laying on its side, I could actually see the blue waters how the sea looks like when you dive, I got so much water inside the boat it flooded everything, forget about Prophet Nohas flood, this one was even worse, it is amazing how quickly you prepare for your own death and accept the truth, I thought before the boat straightened itself up again, I thought, ok I am now going to sink and I will find myself in the middle of what you can see in this picture above, but thank God the boat got up on its feet again and I was founding it unbelievable under those ferocious terrible winds, but thats why you have a keel lol but having a keel wont save you every time, I had got so much water in it totally destroyed all my electronics. my solar panels was washed away, my plotter was ripped off, my battery banks short fused, my inverter cached fire, cables were burning and my engine room was totally flooded also, I had waters up to my knees and on top of it, my draining electric pump malfunctioned like like all other electric equipment on top of it, my autopilot started singing songs not familiar to me, it started to slowly break down too, because a few hours after that it couldnt keep straight course following the waves, like surfing on the waves, because under such heavy winds you can do nothing but to let the winds and the waves take it wherever it wants to take you and in my case, in the opposite direction, out south east, and so it did, but my now autopilot couldnt keep up any longer and I had already was awake for four days and the past two days really fighting for my life to keep things running and make sure no not one mistake was made for me to pay a heavy price again, trust me guys, you dont want to sail in a 30 foot boat in such weathers, its just not wise, because of these rouge waves, here is what happened actually, the stainless handrails you have around your boat in my case a 25 millimetre, normal stuff, some have even stronger rails like 30 mm when this rouge wave came by honest to God it bented it, dont ask my how but it did, so now I am sitting there and trying to get the water out by hand while the boat is shaking like a giant lifting your boat and slamming it upside down, long story short I got through the night that day the next day the autopilot was not behaving strangely and I knew I had no way of charging my batteries with no solar with no engine with no nothing, I was pretty sure the batteries was working about ten volts or something like that and I knew I wouldnt make it for much longer in these conditions, by God the day before I had not eaten anything, anything at all, not even a drop of water while freezing like I dont even want to remember telling you the truth while working like a horse to get things back in some kind of order, I had just drained the boat of water as best as I could, I tried to start my diesel engine and it actually did, because I thought my batteries was totally drained, they were but it still had juice to start the engine, I thought this is super good, so I got the diesel buckets to fill up the tank with another ten liters, like 3 gallons, its all the boat tank can get lol anyways, so I opened the valve to fill my baby boat with what it needs and what do you think happened next, another rouge wave came over us. no, t that bad but bad enough to fill up my gas tank with salt water, bummer, I thought now now this is screwed news because there is no way I will be able to open the engine room get all the pipes and the tanks free from salt water in time under these seas to recharge what is left of my batteries to at least keep the autopilot going, but I took the chance to start the engines a couple of hours later because at this time the batteries were totally drained and the autopilot had no straight to move fast enough to keep up, so I started the engine and what do you know it did but it gave up after ten or so minutes later, things couldnt be worst, I was totally devastated, I knew I couldnt make it through the night or the next day at best if things were going on like it did, later before everything was going dark, around six a clock something I saw thanks to God a huge ship passing many miles off me, I knew I had to abandon ship if I get the chance or sooner or later because I knew the winds were pushing me out back into the middle of the Atlantic and only God knows next time I will come by a ship like this one close enough, and I only had this little VHF radio with only five kilometre range on it so I tried to reach this ship with a SOS for rescue, and again thanks to God he responded and turned its ship around, but here is the thing, it took him two hours still to reach me, because I was doing between 7 to 9 knots down wind and I think he was doing a steady ten knots, it felt like an eternity, I was hanging on to my life trying to keep the boat on a straight course and here is the funny thing, he couldnt see me, but I could see him at a distance so I had to guide him towards me by telling him turn a little bit left now a little bit right and keep the course and then you will see him, after two something hour he saw me, by then he had cause the God blessed US Coast Guards and after the ship that was called Hellas Poseidon and if you friends know, this name Poseidon is a kind of family name of my father, the Angel of the Sea, and Poseidon came to my rescue, the had prepared rescue nets long side this huge ship but the waves were to dangerous too risky for the sip to get close to me and not only that my own boat couldnt keep straight course, one second it was heading south the next second heading east, I mean it was totally crazy how things were yesterday night I am telling you about, so he couldnt come closer than half of mile but he had already called the coast guards and they sent a C130 for overhead, and by that time another wave so big just washed over me and my boat that it almost flipped us again, honest to God I thought this is it now, we are going down, I had water all inside the boat again but I knew now under these 60 knot winds, I cant let go of the rudder to go down and drain it, so I thought whatever happens let it happen now, I smelled smoke from inside the cabin again but then I just had to go in and take a look, something was burning inside the bathroom, thats where most of my cables are at, everything was flooded so I thought let it burn, wont do anything anymore, two hours later the rescue helicopter came by, and here is what I was talking to the coast guard guys later that night when we had come into land, they told me they were not sure they even could reach me because of the fuel thing, so what they had done is to calculate get all unnecessary things of the helicopter and install extra fuel tanks on each side of the helicopter to get to me and back, it took them five hours to get to me and to get back, and here is what they told me afterwards, because they had no means to contact me on radio because my radio went of line, it charges via USB and I no means to recharge it, so they told me they were not sure if they could get me to understand they couldnt stay over me for more than a few minutes before they would be forced to turn back and they werent sure they could get me to understand I needed to jump into the waters for them to pick me up quickly to then to turn back, and when I saw this Black Hawk helicopter and when it got close enough with its lights on me in the middle of total darkness I jumped into the waters and tried to swim towards it, and then they lowered a diver a wonderful guy by name Chris may God keep him and his two boys and his wife always in good health got to me, and I am telling you friends, I couldnt barely breath because of the winds and the water rushing over my face and he got me strapped up and they pulled us up, it took us over two hours to get back and in the barracks later on they got me some hot coffee and I told all the pilots from the C130 pilots to our own four crew to some others what I had gone through, and I told them they will see me on TV because this guy, yours truly that is gonna do a whole range of other cool things :)
And you think you had a bad day yesterday, I dont mean you guys who have lost family members or other love ones, thats something else, but I survived yesterday, another day, baby, I am still here, I am heading towards NY tomorrow, somehow, dont know how, but I cant stay here where I am now, I have to get a move on, so I hope, if I have any buddies here or even family members, they will meet me up there, in old New York, see you around. you know whom I speak of, or here is what we have to do, when I arrive I will try to get back online and see where I am at and bring all the cameras with you, I want full coverage :):)
