Hello friends! What's hanging, nothing gravity can affect I trust ;)
These are truly strange times, and  isn't it get weirder by each day. I would would say so, who would  thing we would come to this, I  sincerely pray to God we soon see the end of what we all are experiencing, I  don't wanna be bridger of bad news I dont like it ate all. I would like to be the one who always be the one who brings nothing but good news, telling the truth I don't know how this  thing will end, I just don't know and it's frustrating, I have seen the end but the path to that end I have no clue of and if anyone is frustrated it's me, only the winds and the rains and God are aware of my frustration, it is hard to put down in words, faith in better days to come is what keeps me goin . I know it will come but when only God is aware of it, I like many other  believers know, this like many other calamities are all a test, God will not save us from what we have found  ourselves  into. We have to save ourselves, if we as a collective have  got the message is another matter it remains to be seen I guess, what I know is, no matter what we are in this together, the ship either stays afloat or whatever happens happens, but however the ship stays afloat is of crucial matter in itself,
