It pains me to say this, but  it has been on my mind for some time and this is the time to start talking about it, as you know, I have lived in  Sweden for over 30 years and I know the common philosophy the Sweds share and it shared by both the right and the left of the political spectrum, this is what they most of them believe, the Sweds believe in the survival of the fittest,human life doesn't mean much to them, this is what atheism do to you, the Sweds trust everything their government instructs them to believe, iam not exatorating in anyway, the human nature is constructed to believe in a higher power, replace it with God and you will start worshipping something else, like a government, the Chinese in China suffer form the same phenomena,there are other clear exemplars too, you guys  need to read between the lines of what the Swedish  officials are saying, they want the weak peoples dead, they're just not saying it out  loud, but that's what they believe, they have lost their humanity, that's why I left but also what they did to me, they  not only have an institutional problems but a associational one too, this is why you never heard any objections over what happened to me, I have aslo revealed that Sweden runs a major pedophile child molesting ring, it runs all the way to their royal household, and I also informed you that Sweden is the most atheist country in the world, many decades ago they were good people but things has hardened and changed for the worst, Sweden in my mind is ready for a regime change, or another option is to let God deal with them Himself, what we others should do is NOT to follow them to hellfire, we others, we're human beings, we do NOT share their ways and beliefs, we on the other hand, we look after the weak and those in need, we on the other hand, we count our deaths by each individual, we are NOT like them, we are different, I know I am.
