Sayed Mahdi Modaressi - Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) in Ghaibah

What a load of BS, I have found this noticeable that only within the Shia communities and their mollas these fake stories about how Imam Mahdi appear to them the Shias (alone) in person like in this story this young stupid molla where in short he said Imam Mahdi appeared to this bus caravan with these pilgrims in Iraq to save them and guide them, I hear from many Shia mollas how Imam Mahdi sends letters to them personally and direct them on different matters and these shia mollas also post these letters Imam Mahdi so called have sent to them, I hear it from the Iranian Iraqi Pakistani shia mollas all the time, and it looks like Imam Mahdi only is meeting with these shia mollas and no one else, why do I say this, because I dont hear from any sunni muftis or any sunni clergymen that Imam Mahdi is in contact with any of them, or anyone else for that matter, but within the shia clergymen internet is flooded with these fake statements, like if Imam Mahdi is only looking after the shias and no one else, according to the shia mollas this seems to be the case, its like when I hear from some christians who claim Jesus is visiting them his mother Mary is appearing to them guiding them and revealing things to them, look friends, trust me on this, Prophet Moses is NOT appearing to anyone, neither is Jesus Prophet Mohammad is not appearing to anyone and Imam Mahdi is not paying any attention to the shia mollas, at all, I only blame these criminal clergymen not so much their ignorant naive followers, sure any religious denomination wants to believe they alone are special, they are right and everyone else are wrong that they alone can see through the deceptions and the rest of us are just stupid free breathers, so I guess one could blame these followers who think like that also, but the main blame must go to these self serving clergymen, I also have to say, I have to say this also, I have noticed a very very very few shia scholars mainly outside the influence of the mollas have grasped the truth of things, but they are not influential like the mainstream mollas, they have done much damage upon their followers, its unfortunate, I have long said, I absolutely believe the mainstream shia clergymen those on the top, they are luciferians and have made a pact with the Devil, I personally have met many devoted shias throughout my life that are extremely hateful and wicked and they are strong followers of the mainstream shia clergymen both Iranian Iraqi and Lebanese, they pray they fast they observe all these things, yet they are strongly devoted to magic as well, when I say to them, there is no such thing as white or black magic so why are you insisting this so called white magic is a good tool when God has clearly stated a true believer shall have no dealings with this craft whatsoever, they still insist white magic is not haram only black magic is forbidden, and another thing I have talked about before is, the most devoted followers of these shia clergymen do not believe in the person of the Antichrist, they say the Antichrist is the TV not a person, my first thought was, could it be that the Devil have instructed the shia clergymen to spread these misinformation like when the Devil made many believe he himself does not really exist, could it be of the same reason, I think so, because if you do not believe in these things, the evil ones can continue making their moves in the shadows plotting against these misguided people, listen friends, God and His prophets made it ease for us to distinguish between what is good and what is not, judge it by its fruits, I ask some people I have met that speaks highly of Hitler, I asked them, did Adolf Hitler brought any blessings along with him or nothing but misery, the answer is clear, he brought nothing but devastation so why is he worthy of any praise, I ask of the followers of these mainstream shia clergymen the same question, did the mollas bring anything good with them or nothing but devastation, Hitler can claim if the freedom loving people would let him reign free he would, I am not so sure about it, same thing with the mollas, they can blame all their damn problems on the rest of the world too, that they are the rightly guided and the rest of the world is wicked, so say all cults, minor or major ones, my question is, alright let say the mollas are right, the rest of the world is wicked but why are to so extremely rude uncivilized against your own subjects, why are you murdering protesters, why are you so corrupt and why cant you ever speak the truth in any matter, why are you so hopeless, again your fruit is exposing you for what you are, I at least I know what you are, you are full of shit, and you must be removed, and with Gods help you will.

And how many times must you shia mollas be exposed when you ask your followers to donate to you vast amount of money because Imam Mahdi has instructed your followers to do so and later we found out you have bought expensive real estates on the other side of the planet with those money, there are much to be said still, you are in such bad state right now, you would just be satisfied if you were given so little as running water or day around electricity, you are in such bad state that even given this little you would start worshiping your autocrats these corrupt criminals these over lords of yours, and you would believe anything they tell you, any damn stories about a hope for a better tomorrow that does not exist and that will never come as long as you have these thuggish story tellers lying and brainwashing what is left of your minds.
