Hello friends !
What I am about to say is something of absolute major importance so I hope some of you guys take seriously, I am after thinking about this for some time decided to involve myself into this election, much because some of the unjust rethorics I have heard from the opponents of Vice President Uncle Joe which are total untruths and as a guy with opinions around just about everything, I can no longer just sit buy and let these lies go unchallenged, I have been feeling like crap recently to hear one lie after the other, after one spin doctor after the other trying to confuse innocent people, if there were no major falsehoods being spread around, my intentions were to no getting myself involved in this election but thats not the case, its too much bs going around and I cant take it anymore, I cant live with myself like this, truth of the matter is that I even have mega trouble writing not writing right now, a couple of nights ago I broke my arm its in casting, I have tons of things that has to be done before anything so I cannot go into more details of some of these many lies that is being spread around all these to smear Joe Biden, sure he is not many of ours first choice but what is being happening is to choice between who would have done a better job as president, and in my view, hands down its Joe Biden, I know many of you friends are in no mood of voting, you like myself we are all tiered of many of our politicians, they have let us down time after time, trust me I know, I am more disappointed at Obama Trump Biden all of them, every single one of them, I am so disappointed at them everytime I start thinking of them I just get depressed, personally I have no hope in Biden improving my personal situation, if Obama didnt to any substantial degree Biden wont either, so I do NOT endorse Joe Biden for any personal reasons, I do so because I believe the way the world is turning right now if things turn for the worse may God forbid, Joe Biden is more the man I would like to see in the White House, He would be better for America, and also, I trust Joe Biden recognises those eventually who got him elected, the None Voter Party, to take their concerns seriously, like providing answers to, are there really any damn aliens in Area 51 or whats going on man ???? lol ;) because I know, if I would run for Mr President, the one and only election promise I would have to make and be totally truthful about it, that would be something like, if you fine people elect me Mr President of all times, if there are any physical or any other proof of aliens, I will decalcify it for your enjoyment, that would be me one and only election promises and I promise you, I would have got the votes of the lefties all the right wingers and all the crazy people in between and also all None Voters, my favorite group, and why are they my favorites you may ask, the answer is, they are the smartest of all, no question about it, and I will stand by it, they are the most politically aware, but this time around, I turn to you my fellow None Voters, you need to vote this time for the reason I very shortly explained, Joe Biden would have done a better job if things would have gone more south, and dont think for a second it wouldnt be, these are special times we live in and you need a president with a little bit more empathy, that little bit more could save the day, so get out and make sure he gets elected !! we have done this once before guys and and we have to do it once more, its for the greater good, its for all, now get busy guys, I am counting on you, not only should you get out and vote yourself, you need to bring ten others with you, look I dont play this Dems VS the Reps game, next time if Joe Biden disappoints us and if a great Republican candidate shows up, we vote for him or her who knows, we will judge both issues and candidates on their own marites, and right now, Joe Biden tops the list, so I say it again friends, you have work to do, do your best now !! and good luck :)
