Hi Michelle :):) how are you doin :):)
There has been something on my mind that I need an answer to, and you and God hold the answer to my question alone, I need you to consider the great honor to become our new Mrs Vice Madam President running side by side with Uncle Joe, do the world your countrymen and women and for the sake of all babes under 75 kg of weight and myself a big favor and run as Vice President, you always talk so passionately about how crucial important and fulfilling it is to do public service, be a role model for me, show me how its done, because we all would like to see you do more than you are doing right now, you need to be up there to show every boy and girl and all our citizens how a perfect Vice President looks like, you and Uncle Joe is a absolutely winning team, I know we are asking for 8 years of yours and your familiys time life, but no one preached the worth of being a public servant as much as you have, what is missing right now is seeing you long side with Uncle Joe taking home the trophy, look I want us to win again, I have got a taste for it, and baby I like it :):) with you up there I cant see how we could lose, Yes We Can Change EVERYTHING, remember that slogan ??:):) so what do you say, are you a Amazonian warrior queen or whats going on ??:):) and remind Uncle Joe to keep his hands to himself !!! lol ;)
