China is exploiting COVID-19 to become superpower - Ex-diplomat Matthew ...

Its so hard to write with one hand :( hate it :)

What also must be mentioned in this conversation is that we were aware of what the Communist Party of China would turn into this monster with global hegemony on their minds all the way back in the 70s, we knew that, but we allowed it to happen anyway, there is blames to go around frankly speaking, we knew this would happen but in order to gain some short term profits we turned a blind eye to it something some do not want to admit, but its too late for that too now, the question now is where do we go from now, right now that is, the first step is to make sure for the good people of China that our criticism of what is going on is NOT directed to the Chinese people, I for my part, I am 110% race blind, I love all cultures that does not seek to dominate others, otherwise I will take a gigantic issue with you, and I know, no civilized culture I know of seeks to rule over others, I know the good Chinese people does seek to dominate anyone not even the poor Tibetans, the Chinese people like any civilized culture have the same aspirations like any of us, to live free and wish the same for their neighbors all around the world, the problem is these totalitarian evil cults harboring a very small but influential place in all our societies, we all suffer from it, but our united aspiration to be free is what can God willing set us free finally, and no matter from what part of the world you read this from can be used as a weapon to strive fight and finally create the world we all can see in front of us, and it is achievable, the truth is, it has to be otherwise we are all massively screwed if we do not rapidly start working towards fixing the old ways of doing things, the old ways are all driven by never ending thirst of greed and that leads to power and with that much fire power just sitting there it can only end up in one way and one way only, we all know that, so keeping the status quo is no option either, it never was dont fool yourself, you all have work to do friends especially you in China and other authoritarian dominated countries, you with least to say in your respective countries you have the hardest task in front of you, I feel bad for you but the situation is what it is, do not worship your governments, your governments are run by people like yourselves, they are not holy entities, they are every single one of them corrupt greedy evil individuals, do not be satisfied with the scraps and the leftovers they throw at you, the world if managed well has so much to offer its plenty to go around but monkeys that they are are keeping it all hidden away from you, when it again comes back to the Chinese Communist Party, they are living in a dream world, there are most disliked all around the world the only way they have gained influence is to bribe other autocrats, like the mollas of Iran and other crazy and evil people, like a house of cards it can and will fall apart when the righteous winds come and give them all a wakeup call, but those winds will only be unleashed when there is a calling for it, for God it works either way, He is not the cause of any of this, in fact He has been generous enough to having been keeping us to destroy ourselves, trust me friends, I am explaining this very simply right now but every word is true, He didnt have to do that, He did it cuz He is the Most Merciful, just because you do not see it all with your eyes doesnt mean things are not happening somewhere else, things are happening all over the place, only those with eyes to see know what I am talking about, and there are so too few of them, but for you who still cannot see, just take half of what I said as true and we will still be alright, I mean I hope you dont think everything I said is total bs lol its not !! all of it is how things are, believe it or not, bye :)

Worldwide Revolution, and nothing else will do ! 
