Chris Cuomo wants you to hear this quote from Trump

With all due respect, what I would have done from early days of this pandemic, is to pour my resources into testing people, then we would know better how to go about things, and I do not agree with President Trump on his argument that , the more we test people the more affected will we have, I dont think how an answer like that should be formulated because whether you like it or not, there will be that amount of citizens infected and suffering no matter if you test all or half of them, the actual numbers will not change in that regard, so it would be better always to test and test and keep on testing and treating till we see different numbers, shoving the dirt under the mat will still be there and in fact later on make things even more infectious, one need to deal with reality as it present itself, there will be no easy fix till you fix it, so if I was Mr President of all times ;) gotta goof around a little bit otherwise WTH man :):) what I would have done is irrelevant because we cant go back in time and change things, and trust me, if I could go back in time to change a few things you better believe I would, but we are not that lucky fo what I would have done now is a more relevant answer, I would have opened up just about everything that can go back to function, on half power anything on one leg instead of two just as it can be relatively safe for them to start operating again, I would have limited work places where you have too much people mingling, like clubs those are not very issentials but places where this virus can spread very very easily, restaurants should limit their diners, I think they can do that, take away and such should work like before, in my mind I should be a national guideline about how many sitting diners a restaurant can serve depending how many chairs they have, in factories as long as the employees were maks and stay away from one and other keeping their distances it should be fine, look when I arrived here it was about a month ago, before that I was sailing with very little online time, didnt knew the scope of things, when I arrived to Murica there were around 20000 deaths from Covid, a months or so later we are up to 90 000, thats 70 000 in a month, its an enormous number, the US with less than 5% of world population has a third of the deaths, the numbers speak for itself, every single country out there have done better than the US, the question is why ?? leadership issues, perhaps, certainly in the early days the first months, the thing with any disease or illness is to get on it very early before it gets worse, so I suggest we just nuke the mollas and have it done with it lol kidding dont take it seriously, so sure the optimal ways was not chosen in the beginning because well there are theories but the result now is that we have the third of the deaths anywhere around the world right here, and its tragic, what we should do now is to let the business themselves set up a plan suited for them, and this plan each company is about to implement should be written and explained to the local government and get approval on it if things looks like they have thought about what they need to do to keep their employees save while the company can still be on its feets, and may God forbid one of these business fail and the virus starts to spread uncontrollably then it should come some costs for that company that promised to do everything to get things flowing but failed miserably, lets not hope any of that happens but I say let the option be in the hands of the employers, because it will be hard for us to sit here and tailor suit a plan for all, it cant be done very effectively, instead place the responsibility on them, meanwhile we must keep sending the same signal to all citizens, that is, it is up to YOU our wise and intelligent citizens, YOU just make sure you wear a mask (when needed) dont have to go crazy, just make sure you respect others enough to not making anyone sick by wearing mask where there is a crowd of people, wash your hands do all those things, and what you should NOT to is to down play this, because look at the numbers, we down played it in the early days and look now we have one thirds of the deaths anywhere in the world, so clearly something is wrong we must agree on this, so it is up now to each citizens to be more responsible and do your part, there is no thing as doing too little, do your little part and things will be fine, and if the Dems want to win this thing here they better not be the party of pessimism, look President Trump is a salesman, if you have not noticed, in each and every single opportunity he gets in front of cameras, he is trying to sell you something, in case you have not noticed that, and in my opinion, in these times when it comes to caring for others which is also a part of any presidents job, this trait in a leader to constantly trying to sell you something is weakness in terms doing what is needed to be done, a thing like, perhaps not only will I not profit but I have to rethink making profits for a short while so I can fix this unexpected problem first, the thing with President Trump is that, he is a salesman a businessman and like any of these profit driven businessmen, closing up something for any reason is not just in their vocabulary, they dont understand closing up places, they are thinking opening up and pump up all the profits dry, this mentality is not always a good trait one as a president must be flexible like that, so I end with this, let the businesses come in and explain how they are going to reopen and what safety measures they have been taken to address this problem and perhaps they will be asked by an moderate cool headed expert on the ground to do a thing or two more for things to be a little bit better before they reopen, I have always said, we need as many leaders in their own fields out there to make sound decisions, and these leaders should always use the middle path be good judges and always trying to be helpful, because thats what it all comes down to, to try help your next of kin to get up and going up and running and help them run faster, this is the main task of any public servant !!
