Hello friends!

While I was traveling through America from east to the west I was appoled seeing so many homeless people, almost all of those I saw were drunks and drug addicts, but the thought of may God forbid seeing families with children roaming the streets who are not addicts but with bad luck strikes them without doing nothing wrong was a sight I dont think no one would like to see, and the way things are going in my opinion making sure people have a roof over their heads is nr one priority,it should be, I was about to talk about this subject and I am glad the Squad members were ahead of me on this one :) this is where the next stimulus package should go to!! I  dont care about the old American way, the new American Way will look after all its citizens, people need to be reminded that, if our kids do not have a strong stable upbringing they will end up as a burden, meaning it will cost us more than it will taste, a bitter taste you dont want so its smarter to uplift them now rather than yesterday, the next stimulus package should be directed to these people and the next one as well, listen friends, we are not here to change people's Faith's, but culturs are subject to change, no one possesses a perfect culture, all cultures are changing constantly and as you know not for the better, not best interests of the many but for just a handful of some, nobody is benefiting from what is going on right now, we need to create a new always better culture, there is a lot of room for this and we shouldn't waste time on this, I think all parties can agree on this, it's a good idea and we like all good ideas:)
