Yes it is of outmost importance to point out and to be known that this is nothing to do with the good Chinese people or the glorious country of China, as everyone knows I am a big fan of of cultures, I am always a big fan of all Gods people and its many contributing cultures, I cannot point out this enough, just as I am a big fan of the Iranian people and their culture, what I am not a fan of is of those who believe they are gods who think they can defeat the people of goodness, I am not naive, we have problems all over the world we have to adress, but at least here we have rights, the government cannot even drive homeless people away even if they wanted to, do our homeless people have more rights than anyone in those other countries, it's worth pointing out, I personally and honest to God always wanted all others to be better than I am then I could be sure I would have been in good company, you can also say, if all others would have more rights than I expected to have, then I would have been able to do all the things I would like to have said and hear, it would have been a good place to meet and get things started, this is the world I would like to have for all our going Chinese people to have and I hope they wishes this for me and the rest of our kind, we are the same kind, you are not more than me and I am not lesser than you, if you agree then we are the same :) and if not, you are going to lose, no matter who you think you are.
