Hello friends !

My hotspot is out, cant post new comments easily like before, but I had to communicate about this, because it's funny, Hannity has trained for seven years ?? I don't believe it, that's not how you punch if you have trained at all, you won't knock out a drunk cat with those throughouts, that's how untrained ladies punches, no kidding, what makes me question is his trainer, how come he never corrected the way he punches, perhaps he did and Hannity were unable to, or perhaps Hannity is paying him to loom the other way, and perhaps thats what Dina was laughing about, who knows these things.
And if Cenk is the most honest in America, then I am the most honest person in the world :)
Please, somebody shows Hannity how to throw a Hawaii box, because what he did in that video, I have no polite and dignified way of putting it in.
