Please people, do NOT participate in these so called demonstrations, these things who are rioting looting and burning down any property while being drunk or whatever is doing no one justice, honestly, ask them why they are doing what they are doing, they can't even give you a clear answer, the point is, if you cannot in clerly put down in words what you want, most likely you don't know what you want, some of you do know what you want, these thugs are stealing YOUR agenda to reverse it into what they know best and that is what you can see, it's chaos, it is opposite of civility something what is less of nowadays, my advice is, when you see trouble makers gathering straingh to like breaking in somewhere you good people should somehow decide to rally at the opposite side of of the city and peacefully demonstrate there, or just go home and do your activism online, let's be honest, those who attacked the CNN office building, I can assure you they don't know even why they are there, I am sure the CNN building just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time, so they attacked it, honestly I haven't seen or heard CNN for whatever short comings they might have being of all things racists in any way, if fact they have been on the right side of history on this one, so why they still attacked it is a mystery I have the answer to and it's easy, they have no clue why themselves, poverty education these things could have also to do with why, so don't discredit what you stand for by being around those do not represent you, go and gather somewhere far away from them, I wouldn't even protests at night, protesting is a day time family gathering thing, you don't do it at night, anyways, these people are just making sure things gets more difficult for you for all of ours sake.
Get out and vote and make sure, you bring at least, FIVE other friends and family members with you, and if you are in a family more than FIVE then the number of people you need to bring out to vote is TEN, ten people !! and if you want to be a real buddy, then you need to bring with you something around hmmm let me see, you need to bring hundred other like minded friends and familys to vote, but that's if you are a real buddy :-)
