I have a complain that has to be brought forth and I am going to be very coming with some of my Chinese friends regarding one backward aspect of their otherwise glorious culture and that is, the way some hunt down capture rare beautiful and did I mention rear?? animals, then to be killed in the worst way possible like in these wet markets then go on to be best places because it is not hygienic then go on to spread these diseases to themselves and the way the world is connected today get everyone else sick with them, so the problem here is to culture up because we know there are other more suitable ways, these wet markets should be closed down, or at least, no mixing between the living and the dead, the living should not mingle with the dead, a nother way of seeing this is, if you consider yourself a wise person and cultured you know that no living being want to if death is lurking behind the corner, it doesn't want to be reminded of it, or the creature would cease existing, same thing with animals, no animal should have to be reminded of death, it kills the spirit and the meat product taste half of what it otherwise would have been, but the fact that, human beings are ready to spend a lot of money to eat some of the rarest and the most beautiful other living beings we have and on the process kill them in such inhumane way is something we all should loo
