For ones they got something right, the interpretation of what was revealed in the Book Revelation, I have noticed that even though some are fully aware of the fact, they still dont want to speak with truthfulness because I think they are angry, yes they have allowed anger to cloud their judgmen, a mistake Eblis committed that came to cost him his seat at the table, whom are they angry over, their Creator, whether they like it or not the One they have to stand in for on the Day of Judgment and get judged by, and what will they have to say in their defense, they will have nothing to say because their hidden thoughts the words they should have spoken will speak for them while their mouths are shut and closed they will be standing there like zombie, the judgment will come swiftly, it will be just and true, so you keep on reading how you want to read it for now, it won't change the world into your likeness.
