I don't like the sound of what I am hearing, I don't like autocrats, I don't like those who are keeping our World Citizen and prevent them to exercise their God given right, one of those privliges are, to let the rightous be rightous letting the wicket be as their are, so I am willing to let the Chinese Communists Party members be what they are but if they privent those who are looking to self improvement and get in their way then we ARE going to have a huge problem, and I promise that I on my part will yeeld, I will fight to whatever end, and I am NOT going to lose, I will be on top of things, I hop the autocrats understand this, you are NOT going to win this.
This whole affair that is going on makes it even more urgent to get me elected so that I can in no time get the whole freedom loving world brhind these ideas we have been talking about, I will have, all the Latines all Africans most of Europe, Sweden is not invited :) I will have most of Asia from East to fucking Texas and all the Believers, and the Chinese Communists Party and other crazies think they can defeat a such power?? haa think again, they are freaking dreaming, I should get elected right now without wasting time, at the same time, I am cool chilling too, I am getting new solar panels for my new ⛵ and if I dont get anyones attention, I will just sail to Hawaii and chill there instead, or Mexico, it's even closer, so it all depends how wanted I am here, I know I am greatly freaking wanted elsewhere and not always for the good, but I don't care, I can and will take my chances elsewhere, whatever happens happens, is my philosophy, telling the truth, it has been some time I had some adventure and fun, miss the sea :( look! I am still searching for the Land of the Braves, I am still looking, must be somewhere I am sure.

I want Worldwide Revolution damn it !!!
