I dont like the way this former intelligence chief AlKadimi came became Prime Crime Minister of Iraq,it's an insult to all these martyres that was offered in the Revolution for this guy to set everything back cannot be what the people want nor need, to the System and all those close to it must go, so help you God the Iraqi people, you all must unite as Iraqis and demand your God given rights your dignity so you can stand up again and share your commitments among yourselves prosper like that and afterwards share your experiences with the rest of the good world, Corruption has kept you all back for too long, it is high time you rise up and shine, good luck may God bless your martyres and you if you stand with your next kin your neighbor your fellow countrymen, if you on the other hand seek to divide, may God curse you forever more, you are doing yourself your family your neighbor and everyone you know a great disfavor, you shouldn't do that, what you should do is to recognize the same aspirations the same rights the same blessings you want for even those you do not know then I can say, you are on the right track and most probably you will have all that and with Gods help even more than that, but as long as Corruption governs you, well you already know how that's like dont you.
