Iam speechless, me like historic stuff long time baby :) now the real question on everyones mind is, when will Sonny gett up there, I am pretty sure that is what people are asking right now, from the looks of it, it seems like that I have to get my own Space Establishment goin and then do a whole rage of other things too, that's how it looks like, that's why I have started to design my own rocket engine, alien technology baby, no one else have it, and I can tell you what it runs on, molla tears, that's right, the most potent liquid solution ever devised, have you seen when a molla cries ??  those crocodile tears, very potent that stuff is, said Joda, anyways, let's not make this about the mollas, today is a historic day and then time for celebration, that space rocket and everything preformed flawlessly and God willing it always will, Amen :)
