Joe Biden: Trump Put The Country In A Terrible Spot By Failing To Act - ...

I wanted to wait for a day before I offer my presteme opinions on the video and what do you know, Uncle Joe just used the N word to describe black folks lol, kidding he didnt but if you listen to some it would just might sound as if he did, look guys lets be frank over here, and I am talking to you my balack, balack thats with Persian accent ;) nevermind, only Iranians and Arabs got my dry joke, listen my black brothers and sisters, you all know 110% of you all know Uncle Joe is no damn racist and you all know what he meant with what he said, so dont make thing out of nothing, heed my advice, in war time after all victories and slayed on the battlefield, if you survive or not, God the Creator regardless if you were in the army of the oppressors the bad guys that is, sometimes both parties are bad as Hell, that is like in the old days when two opposing armies decided to meet somewhere to fight it out, but other times, armies invade lands that dont belong to them, so they are the army of the oppressors, even in such events God our Creator is Most Fair, and only will send those soldiers to Hell depending on their intentions, some become soldiers to have a free hand murdering others loot what is theirs and the worst of them are those who sexually molest civilians or any other for that matter, but there are also those soldiers who join the military get to foreign countries happen to kill combatants on the battlefield for other reasons, some didnt joined the military for to get paid like mercenaries but did so to defend his or her own land and for some reason happened to get brainwashed go to war and kill as told, God will deal with these soldiers differently, God will be kinder to these type of soldiers, that is what happens on the battlefield, there is another battle field that is the everyday life, mark my words, God WILL judge you depending on your intention why you are smearing someone when you know, he or she is innocent, you all know what Uncle Joe meant, so stop making it sound something it was not meant to be just stop it, he has nothing to apologize for, not in my view, he was instead looking after you my brothers and sisters, and now you are going after him, its NOT fair !!!! dont you understand fairness ???? what if I said something like this, would you go after me as well ???? you cant, because, the only Black Princess given to you, came from me, got that lol from me :):) King Dong of Wokanda baby, thats right, the King can say whatever the hell he wants, Supreme Fatwa De Lux right there final word ;)

So here is what I need you to do, now you are gonna vote twice for Uncle Joe, and I have stated why I want Uncle Joe to get elected, with all due respect for our own President Super Trump which I am with on foreign policies, I think Uncle Joe would have done a better job on domestic front, and I predict, things are not getting better anytime soon, on the foreign issues like the mollas the ME and the things with China we have to be frank, they are all out of their damn minds, we have to be tough right back, so we cannot go ease on them, if they turn nice then they will find a free waiting handshake right here, otherwise we are not backing down, beat me to death I wont surrender, but I am digressing here, just make sure your whole familianos vote Biden, just made me think about our Hispanic friends, how are you friends doing :):) votar Biden alright :):)
