Rahm Emanuel Discusses November Voting for Presidential Election | The View

Didnt President Trump vote once upon of time by mail ?? so why is he now against it now ?? why are some trying to make our democracy weak while waving the American flag as if it only belonged to them, why are some trying their best to make their political opponents look like they are the enemy yes the enemy of the other half of the population, how is that called patriotic when you hear some media personalities constantly shout out rethorics like (these Democrats) and say things like, these Democrats want to destroy the economy they are doing this on purpose with the shutting down the country and the economy while from my understanding is, the country is mainly in the hands of the Reps, blaming things on Hollywood on Biden so on and so forth, its silly these arguments, I bet Joe Biden would rather right now be out there campaigning like crazy instead of getting himself locked down, and say what you want, we know how serious these politicians takes especially this presidential election, if this was not serious I bet you couldnt keep Joe at home like this no matter what, so this is in fact serious, and another thing, sure the seasonal flue kills just as much but what you dont mention is, its SEASONAL, it comes and goes, this Covid19 it keeps on infecting till there is nothing left if you continue letting it, so what China did in the early days was correct, but what China did and from the looks of it look successful but people wouldnt go along with it here, so things should be done differently now, my suggestion is, places should be open such as, look ! I needed something and I went to Best Buy to get it before I broke my damn arm, what they were doing was to line up their customers on the sideline outside the store and an seller came and asked you what you needed and went into the store and got it for you, that looked very unnecessary to me, because, if the store was open as usual, sure some stores allows only certain amount of customers entering in, even that is too much in my opinion, because as long as you wear a mask inside any store and as long as you practice social distancing you wouldnt endanger anyone nor yourself, people shouldnt go too extremes like I have seen walking by themselves wearing a mask, I have been seeing people driving alone in their cars wearing a mask, these things are silly, people should only wear a mask in the close vicinity of others, we need to open up the stores, rules like wearing masks inside all stores, things like only allowing a certain amount of people inside a store at the time, things like this I see necessary but when you take things to its extremes thats when you will face obstacles and people will thing you have lost it and start come up with all these sometimes crazy conspiracy theories that would come back to haunt you, it forces people to distrust the system, look I of all know how flawed the damn system is, not many has been screwed by the System like have but thats another matter, what I am saying is I know how its like and now I want to change the System from within like our late hero Leonard Cohen talked about in First we take Manhattan then we will take Berlin, goddamn right about that if you ask me and I am not wasting another 20 years on that and thats another fact you can to to the bank and check in, but I digress right now, the point is, we have to pull together and be reasonable here, we should not go too extremes but work out a way to benefit all, and I also want to say this, I was against the impeachment of President Trump and I got ones again got alot of heat for that among other things, and I still stand by it, first of all, the accusation was serious but not to the extend to impeach a sitting president, you dont wanna set that kind of standards on impeaching a president, I mean my God forbid, what if I got elected Mr President of all tome and I start colluding with foreign powers, would you wanna impeach me, this wonderfully kind and generally nice guy ?? that would be just terrible, that wouldnt be cool to get me impeached for anything really lol ok I am just fooling around here :) no I would be the best Mr President of all time and I would never collude with anyone, but back to what I was saying, I stood by President Trump when it was the right time to do so, I am with him on foreign policies but the domestic one, look we are worlds apart on that one, one other thing he said that bugged me was about relief money to Dem controlled states when he wants to punish those states because the are run today by the Dems, so he wants to cut fundings to them, what he doesnt seems to think about is the fact that there are at least 45% or something Reps in those states, sure they are today run by the Dems but if you want to punish some of these states what about the other half of their population, you would have punished them as well and there are the people who voted for you in the previous presidential election, have you already forgot about them, we all know President Trump has a weakness an that weakness is, what have you done for me lately sa Eddie Murphy in Raw used to say, funny stuff btw ;) but that is his weakness, you cannot deny that, he is before anything looking out for himself, and if you kiss his ass if you are good at what you do perhaps he will throw a something your way, so what that say about YOU ?? have you any dignity have you at best loaned away your soul in hope of gaining it back at some time or have you just given up and have been lost in the statistics, you know the answer best yourself.

Right now we need some common sense in our day to day politics, the way I see it there is a better option at hand, not perfect in any way but I am optimistic Joe Biden will head the words of the silent majority this time around because I am very afraid, if things do not change for the better if he gets elected, gaining credibility back for the whole System will be lost FOREVER, Uncle Joe should know, he is NOT running for the highest office for his own legacy, this is much bigger than that, he is running to save the soul of EVERYTHING, and if in the coming weeks and forward we see him raising these issues we have been talking about and talk more about, Iam sure people will be more and more enthusiastic and work to that end to get him elected, my last advice is, its time to change the old ways Uncle Joe, America has changed the atmosphere as changed, there are younger people coming into age to cast their votes, they are not from your generation Uncle Joe please do not forget that, the see the world differently, they didnt grew up during the Cold War, these are new breath of people they want more from their government and their elected leaders, if you lose them you have lost not one generation of our citizens but a couple more after that, things could downhill after that, so head their concerns, and God willing when you get elected Mr President, we want to see a damn alen alright ?? we are getting tired of this bs over here, or how about giving me a special tour through Area 51 and the rest of them  places, how about that, brother just need to know Uncle Joe :):) I come from a long line of Jeddies, sooner or later I will know everything that is going on brother, call it destiny, so how about that tour now ?? I am ready for it hmmm:):)
