ROYAL MYSTERY: Where is the missing princess of Dubai? | 60 Minutes Aust...

Poor girl :(

Next time that evil tyrannical and ruthless rat looking ruler of Dubai Mohammed Bin Asshole Bin trash of the universe Bin soon to be overthrown Bin Rashid Al Makhtoum next time he shows his ugly face anywhere in EU or in America he should be arrested get raped by a couple of gay donkeys and throw him where the forgottens get their resting places, and the UN should do everything in their power to get this girl free and grant her asylum wherever she wants.

They should have escaped with a much faster sailboat, a racing sailboat, who are you kidding, trying to outrun the Asshole of Dubai with 6 knots or so, you need to keep at least 15 knots to get somewhere, like I did, crossing the Atlantic I kept at least 30 knots lol kidding I actually kept between 5 and 5,5 knots, with a 30 foot boat on my own I will say thats not too bad, she should have hired me, because then her father the Asshole of Dubai wouldnt dare approaching my vessel or risk the consequences of what will come next, I would have nuked him, in any case, I am up for hiring if you like to escape from your evil tyrannical family from the Underworld, you no longer need to call the Ghost Busters, just call 555-Salvador International, a movie should be made about this story with everything you heard in this report but the ending should be something like, Salvador International sends its most bravest agent he gets to this huge dungen in Dubai rescues the princess and she falls in love with him and marries him but there is a twist in this whole thing, what she didnt knew is that this special agent is a teenage friend of hers who were in love with her ans she with him, they got seperated very uncivilized manner by her lizard eating father of hers and he knew he had to come and rescue her one day so he got into the business of rescuing princesses in need, yes there is a market for that in case you all didnt know, so he had successfully rescued many princesses in dire need of a handsome prince which he was actually but never told anyone about it because he didnt want to make just about everyone fall in love with him because ones again he only had eye for his first love which is this special princess whom he has been planning to rescue for a decade now and now opportunity finally hame to hand for him to, do his thing, and his thing is always better than everyone elses thing.

Thats a move plott for you :) based on half truths and ha;f bullshits lol
