The End of Hong Kong?

It is during extremely difficult times the true character of a brave freedom fighter reveal itself, lets us be frank about this, we all know the satanic Communist Party of China wont go civilized about how to go about things, we know that, because the way the see it is, if anyone wins a slightest bit on anything the Communists see this as a great loss for them and the world they want to see replacing things, a totalitarian NWO, you cant argue with that, and therefor SHAME on all those who are covering for them, its not a left or right issue here, we have both some on the left and some on the right domestically and internationally and more shafull than all that we also have so called religious cult leaders like the mollas like some in Pakistan and in so many other places that are praising the Communists but also turning a blind eye to what the Communists stand for, I have stated this numerous times, if YOUR dear religious leader till now not have raised this issue about the countless crimes of the Communists in China against people of faith then you must be a total idiot for still listening to ANY of their damn lectures, do YOU understand what I am saying or not ????? stop going to their lectures stop listening to them, until they start raising these fundamental questions, look the reason I have zero confidence for any damn Palestinian leaders or much empathy for the Palestinians in Palestine themselves is, neither their leaders nor their people ever mention how the Communist Party of China is as we speak have unjustly imprisoned millions of Chinese Muslims in concentration camps, and not one of your Muslim leaders are talking about it, I would have thought, the Palestinians themselves who has been living in actually better conditions would have said something, just said something, but they are not, so if they only care for themselves and perhaps think the world was created around them well I then have no interest in them either, I mostly care for those who put aside their own problems for a moment and concentrate on others and how the can do something for them, having said that, we have a gigantic problem on our hands right now and that is the Communist Party of China thinks the can keep on corrupting bribing YOUR leaders to do their satanic biddings, the question is, what are YOU going to do about it, because trust me, the Beast is growing in power right now, and why do I call t the Beast, because everything it stands for and doing right now as you can see is against the Holy Scriptures and what true people of faith stands for, we wont tolerate this so we will fight the Beast wherever we can, unfortunately I cant be everywhere but if I could I would have been chosen the most dangerous place to do revolution anywhere, so I am not asking something of you that I would not have done myself, if fact I am a little bit jealous that I am not in places like Hong Kong places like Iraq Lebanon and trust me if I could bring those damn mollas to face justice by God I would, I would do anything for that, but I cant, but YOU can :):) but you have to be smart about it, you have to do your part and people like myself, we will try to get the free world to stand behind you in anyway we can, thats the least we can do for you, and trust me, the Commies the wont come out as winners on this, we will go to any length to make sure, the world dont turn Communist, the wont win this, they will turned into just nothingness so they better start behaving like human beings, they wont be able to bribe themselves to any direction they want, a massive barrier of human chain will resist them, and I hope YOU are one of them who will stand up for what is right and decent with respect for all Gods creations.

The world community must stand united on these issues, or there will be no UN left after everything is said and done.
