'The Five' slams biased media coverage of governors based on political p...

Its a wonderful message :)

In a way we are gonna have to live with not only this virus but may God forbid other viruses to come, how we are gonna adapt and live with it will determine if we are going to make it relatively well or not, this Covid19 scenario will have to be something to learn from on both governmental level and on individual level from now on, of course we cannot shut the economy down, I think thats what the foreign ill wishers would like to see happening, because they are authoritarian in nature and know they can by force control things and we as freethinking free individuals will naturally take more things in consideration before we take final decisions and by that take more time these authoritarian ill wishers hope these diseases affects us and weaken us quicker than it would them, thats why internal silly infightings and politicise important problems like this one should be kept to its minimum, because its badly affecting everything, when it comes to schools, I suggest instead of full classrooms, they should divide each classrooms into two or even three parts, one day this group can get to school and classrooms and switch like that while at school everyone wears masks and also like everywhere else keep their distance from each other, while stores should open with some restrictions like we see at some places, I would though close bars and clubs till further notice, restaurants with only limited guests dining could be allowed, the point is, we have to adapt while allowing money to circle around so people can still have a sense of normalcy, we cannot have people going around blaming people while they are walking their dogs for not wearing a mask when they are many feets away from others, I have seen couples not young ones but anyway, not answering to my friendly greetings because I dont wear a mask like the do covering themselves from top to bottom, I am not dumb I know why they turn their backs on me like that being judgemental like that, they are with their behaviour making a point in a semi polite way, I get that, but if you ask me, thats a little bit too extreme, and its not if I would sneeze I would have affected the whole area for 8 minutes after I have left it, as long as people wear masks being indoors and in close vicinity of others I absolutely understand that and I also encourage you to follow these guidelines, so I would keep the beaches open just making sure people are keeping their distance from one and other I dont know like 20 feet from where they are chilling on the sand, that would be acceptable I think, its wiser to teach people how they should live with these things as early as possible without confusing them and scaring them to death that as I said, could misfire back at you and force them distrusting the officials and the system totally, you dont want that, its happening, and guess who is taking advantage of that ??? you know who.

So both sides should reform how they formulate their questions to the other side next time they ask a question, I am absolutely sure both sides wants to do things optimally, no question about that, so try to be nicer, would do you both good, now I with my one arm going to do something, I just dont know what exactly, life sucks I am going to kill myself and dont try to stop me, bye everyone :)
