The pandemic gets political

The problem with the Dems the past cycles has been with the messaging among lack of enthusiasm, NOT by the voters but from the central command, even when I hear things coming out I cant help thinking, what the hell, what am I doing this for when it always feels like an uphill battle, lucky me because I am used to it but trying to convince people to go out there, start believing the stars are not too far away now get enthusiastic enough for them to donate some of their time to advance the project feels like asking them for too much, because remember, the none voters are in my view the most aware of them all, the reason they abstain from giving even a minute of their time is because the feel, no one is worth even a minute of their time, so how do you convince these people, the answer is, you have to send them a love letter a heavenly message to give them some peace of mind that this time around things will make sense again, thats what people want, to make things make sense, and with the messaging I hear today, it doesnt, things cannot grow this way, the Dems were lucky with President Obama because he alone was half of the messaging himself, so is President Trump, but Uncle Joe, he doesnt even care if you vote for him or not and thats not making things easier, so people need to step up and do it for him, making things much more difficult I must say, sure he would have done slightly better on the domestic issues, but try to tell that to the people, you try to convince those with little hope in the System I am telling you, it wont be ease, hanging on to the argument that we follow science and the others do not you are forgetting, people also vote with their hearts, a large portion of the population vote with their hearts and with their minds, how is your messaging reaching out to them, its not right now, people are tired of just hearing of harder days to come and regular basis, I am not saying do like they do in Sweden by only providing happy news while subscribing to them more and more antidepresive medication and hide reality from them, you need to tell them about the high mountains tell them about rivers flowing waters tell them about the good things tell them at the same time about that the skies can turn dark if they are not being careful and listening to science, think about it, people have been scared they have been isolating themselves longing to get out there and enjoy nature, and after being isolated for this long, when someone come along and give them nothing but happy news, it is in human nature to buy that message ang go along with it, this is what is being happening right now, the Dems lately have been terrible in messaging in my view, I would have done a better job myself, please someone, pay my bail already now because I need to be out there campaigning right now ;):) or who gives a damn, I am doing just fine by myself, btw, who wants to marry me, I am totally single right now, the poorer you are the better, I am not marrying a rich chick, you must be totally unknown to the world, and your momma better be nice too :):)
