TIME 100 Talks With Matt Damon And Gary White, Water.org Co-founders

Matt Damon :) one of my favorite villains, in Hollywood, love the guy  :):) like in the movie Contagion, he was immune to the virus like I am, we share so much history he an I ;)

As it is proven by facts, these micro loans has proven very successful around the world to lift people up from extreme poverty, this would work just as effective in a grander scale as well with giving each citizen at least 1000 dollars over 18 years of age on monthly basis, my theory is that wealth and money NEVER EVER trickles down, our thoughtful elites they have managed to reverse gravity for instead of things flow downstream it goes upwards to never be seen again, not by those below them, so instead we need to spread the wealth of our country from the bottom because the way things work, the wealth of a nation will eventually fall into the gravitational pull of those on top, so I say let those on the bottom get at least a taste of their own tax dollars for a while before it trickles up again, this 1000 dollar will be a gamechanger in making any economy become healthy, and as I have stated before, our bankers should be overjoyed too because, many will deposit that 1000 dollars for later use and by that the banks will do even better, they should support this idea, its a great idea, one of the biggest problems we face around the world is that money in its extreme form is gathering dust somewhere doing nothing, the 1% of the 1% they have half of the planets wealth basically sitting there doing no good, even if its in motion its still doing no good, right now we dont need to start the blame game, what we need right now is to manage the wealth we are in control over an its plenty enough to do all that good stuff and a bit more, so lets start there, you wanna save the country ??? you need to do three things, first ! decriminalize all drugs, produce the hard drugs through a state agency, non profit, state run, then distribute the hard drugs ONLY to registered addicts, then pay our citizens each 1000 dollars for being awesome, and after that implement this universal healthcare and make sure most of their medicinal costs are taken cared of, AND fix those damn roads !! I want new asphalt from coast to coast, its embarrassing, now I understand why so many Americans drive these gas guzzling trucks and huge four by fours, the figured if they want to get somewhere from a to b and not get a flat tire and get there in relative comfort, the need to drive these tanks on the road, and guess what is becoming popular as well, bicycles with wider tires than motorcycles, I mean these bicycles and their tires are huge, but you cant blame them, you need those damn wide tires to safely drive on some of these roads, I am guilty now too, because in order to get around I also bought one of these fat wheels, yet I still managed to fall of the bike and break my arm, so additional to the three major initiatives that has to be agreed on and implemented to save the economy the country and in fact the world, we also need new damn roads, look IK cant have tourists from Europe coming here take a look at our roads get back and laugh at us, I wont have that.
