What Happens If You Can’t Pay Rent? | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj | Ne...

As most of you knew but more of you can see here in this public awareness statement by ma man Hasan Minhaj is, the mail concern that more than any other concern that brings tears to peoples eyes is the question of, how they are going to pay their rents, people can hide their hunger, they can wash their worned out dirty clothes, they can put up any kind of superficial makeups to hide their shames but they cannot hide if the do not have a waterproof roof over their heads and a dry and warm one too, and if they dont, no country like that is worth living in, in my view, cant have that, so this issue is the nr one issue we need to look into before any other and we should NOT waste time on it, we should go to work and making sure, families in first hand do not come close to become homeless, people have dignity damn it !! listen folks, each and every citizen is an investment for the state the state must look after, because just about anyone can become a useful dignified productive constructive contributor, and if you neglect them, it will just become a costly burden, and we dont want any damn private profit driven evil entities like our privately owned prison system to be the only ones who benefits from the pain of rest of the country and insurance companies and above them the mega banks, the 1 damn percent is draining the blood of the 99% and somehow its ok because its so called capitalism, I mean damn and shame, the Communist Party of China looks after its oppressed people better than we do, pisses me off, why should the world look up to us for, we should look up to the rest of the world and learn something, the true American way that have been lost is to always to sacrifice even tomorrows coming sun rise for this nights darkness to light up the fears people have so they can open their eyes for a better tomorrow, I think any party that highlight this rent issue will gain many voters, I wouldnt look back at this, dont hold back on this, never look back at this, keep on running !!
