Buffalo mayor unveils police reform policy after officers seen pushing 7...

I would urge an United Unions and their good leaders to collectively write in the Police Union head office if there is a such thing, write to someone there and tell them to take a chill pill, whats going on with all this uncontrollable level of testosterone on display and now they are threatening members not to show up for work by threats of getting kicked out or lose benefits, it seems like the spirit of Jimmy Hoffa is still alive in some people, REFORM !! Jimmy has gone rogue, I knew it :( but with proper reforms things could turn positive again, look it as a timely opportunity for change to do better, I truly believe if the heads of other unions gather and express concern over where things are going I believe the Police Union will get a wakeup call and decide to make some changes, people are asking for it, why do they not care for what people on the streets are demanding, they have locked themselves inside their bunkers and dont seems to care how to resolve long standing issues, other union leaders this is your time to shine !!
