Controversy Over "Gone With The Wind" Removal | The View

You ladies shine up my screen each and every time I have you on, all four of you, lovely stuff :)

I dont mind old films where it depicted the way people lived many decades earlier being viewed today at all, films from that era or for any era for that matter better than books gives you a picture of how people were, much like books, its part of our history we cant just hide it away and forget about it, there are much to be learned here by seeing how much we have progressed, we should have done better and one reason we have not done better is series like Cops, glorifying violence like that for profit making, its so unpatriotic, the best way to go about this is to ask our people in the media entertainment industry to choose other programs, it has worked before with great success, like when I asked our filmmakers to have less sex scenes making things more environment friendly sort of speak, our people listened and today you see much less of that, and things have matured and they are making tons of money with quality content and everything is great, in this case because we know they decision makers are listening we should guide them gently to a sensible decision making process, there are many variables involved of course but we can trust they know what to do.

I wished we lived in a world where people were colorblind wouldnt that be something, I am convinced if we eliminate poverty making sure living standards are high for all 80% of all our problems would vanish and the 20-15 % left, that you could do nothing about, because we know, between 10-20% of any countrys population are straight out evil in their nature, its science folks, pure facts, 20% of us are out of their damn minds, regardless to how wealthy they are or poor, 20% of us are EVIL in their nature, like it or not this is the situation, alright, can you believe it, I havent seen Gone with the winds, gonna watch it right now :)
