Cops Walk Off Job To Protest Killer Cop's Arrest

Yeah I know some of these cops feelings has been hurt like spoiled babies, in my view I say its better if they left all together because they are potential ticking time bombs and now that you have taken away their dream to shoot someone, whats the fun of being a police officer, whit the bad cops gone and left with the good ones I even predict violence will go down. I truly believe we will have less crime, the bottom line is, you never shoot a man in the back and if your psyche cannot handle the pressure, your ass dont belong on the force, a person like you should not be trusted with a gun, so is it too much to ask of our officers to be sound minded, being diplomatic taking upon themselves this heavy duty to serve and protect residence of a town, studies has shown if you hire more female prison guards than male there are much less confrontations and less trouble, I have seem how riot police charge peaceful protesters and beat the shit out of them, when people see how state employees the cops that is treat others they question a lots of things so the cops must wake up to reality, nobody forced you to choose to become a cop, we know why some of you choose to become cops, it has zero to do with serving and protecting its mainly about the action, yes the action, you dont give a damn who you are arresting you just want to be given the order to arrest someone, you need your daily dose of this kick, and now your ways of doing things has gone so far that people are taking to the streets, just admit it, Officer Rolfe is an unstable man and he shut a man and killed him when he could chose not to, the law says he is guilty so stop acting like little caesars, I would sentences Rolfe for second degree murder and his colleague, no punishment for him, but if he kicked Mr Booker after being shot he should be ashamed of himself.

