DACA Recipient Reacts To Supreme Court Decision To Uphold Protections | ...

I am glad this DACA topic came up on the national agenda again because I have somethings to say about it.

As a person who only sees what we are told through the air waves about in this case the Latins in America, one get the impression that the Latins are problematic they bring with themselves a heavy burden upon society and all other negative things, after I arrived here myself in my banana boat and just after two months or so I now have a much better picture of who these people are, I must say I have got nothing but a very very positive impression from the Latins, every single by that I mean 100% thus far of the Latins I have interacted with has been very positive, when I jump on my bike to get somewhere many times I drive by farms and plantations where some of the Latins work at, even in this heat with the dust and everything when the workers have their lunch break sitting next to the road and have their lunch and each time I wave at them every single time I get a very friendly smile back and they always return my greetings, even in those harsh conditions, as many of you know in California there are lots of Latins, the result of the interactions I have got for me is a sign of a high culture, this cannot be underestimated, they are, and as a Persian or whatever I am I feel right at home with the Latins, we are the same !! I think its most unfair to discredit and offend all Latins just because a few lowlife MS13 thugs are doing what they are doing, it is most unfair, this is another reason why I say we must decriminalize all drugs so that we also can take these thugs out of business, but that is a side issue right now, another point is, the Latins who are who has been part of the fabric of these lands, they lived here long before any others, this is their home, sure we need strong secure borders, a modern country needs that no question about it and that is not what I am talking about here, I am talking about those Latins who already live here, the truth of the matter is, America would not survive without the Latins, and you know that, they work at the farms in our hospitals and I also want to say this, after I broke my arm in the couple of the hospitals I visited, I couldnt be more delightful to have met the Latins doctors the black nurses especially this lady who was super kind and friendly to me, called me hunny all the time :):) and the way she said it honest to God for a moment the pain in my arm disappeared, she could have been my own grandma, so I am thinking how would things look like here in California without these kind super civilized people, it wouldnt be the same thats for sure, and now to these DACA people, they are already contributing in all shapes and forms and for us to neglect them putting them trough this massive amount of stress for them not knowing what will happen to them tomorrow has to stop, so I am delighted to hear from the Supreme Court that they have acknowledged them as part of the rest of us, and we should do more to make them feel welcome, the optimal thing would have been if we didnt even have to have this issue to talk abou, this should have been dealt with long ago, but its never too late, no matter when you catch a fish its gonna be fresh, who knows perhaps I will marry a nice Latin girl too, as I said, we are the same, so I think before I set sail to Hawaii I will swing by Mexico stay there for a while then do the other things I bored sailor needs to do, and btw, I need a sailing crew, who is tagging along with me ???? you can also bring your own boat with you, there are no limits to how many boats and people we could do this thing with, the more the better, you want adventure because I want adventure so lets do this, we can cross the Pacific and sail westward to we get back to these shores sometimes God knows when, I am very serious, it could be one of those things to remember.
