Derek Chauvin should be prosecuted with first degree murder and nothing less than that and the reasoning is, after 10 -15 - after 30 seconds or after a minute he should have known he is endangering Mr Floyd life and the risk of killing him, Derek had plenty of time to rethink his action but as we all have seen, he didnt take any of that in consideration, he knew by the way he was handling Mr Floyd he would have ended up dead, and we know what happened after that that, he killed him, so he had plenty of time to rethink his tactiques therefor in my view Derek should be prosecuted with first degree murder.

About defunding the police, look this is election times, why do you use the terminology such as defunding the police when you know it sounds very provocative especially when you do not mean it as it sounds, so that in every interview you have to explain yourselves and explain further what you mean by that, I know you want to restructure the police departments, then why not just say so instead using rethorics that infuriates and put some large portion of the population on defencive posture, the way some are taking this wont change anything or much for that matter, you need a rhetoric that is easily digestable not a rhetoric that shocks people, I dont think we should whitewash and refine some of these arguments put out by very angry people who cannot think straight making things much more difficult for real change to be implemented at places.
I have always been an advocate of the idea that wealth should gravitate downwards, thats how you build a robust healthy society, and how that wealth should be managed, one thing I have learned by studding the Persian kings of old is that, not only were they fair they were wise as well, they made sure the wealth in their treasury were distributed among the workers, their idea was not to just gather more and more wealth and just hide it but to make sure that wealth was in circulation and fairly so, there were no slaves, everyone got paid fairly and that made Persia the fairest of them all 😊 lol well it was.
