Every black man in America ‘feels threatened’ when stopped by cops: Lind...

Amen, people are taking this huge problem seriously, because think about it, imagine walking around you want to take yourself from point a to be and have this fear on your mind constantly, it takes a toll on a persons mind, it can be so dramatic it prevents you to harbor happy thoughts and evolve like that, it also bears later on a huge burden on society at large, this is why we make sure our people are first of all healthy we must provide top class education for them so they can have their minds on other positive things, we must decriminalize all drugs and as I have explained, it will lower new addics dramatically for each year to the point to non existence in a decade or two, or very close to zero, an with all the tax dollars saved, then nothing is impossible, and on top of that, if you vote for me, I will cure all diseases, we will find the cure for all of them, but before that, all these other conditions must have been met, otherwise there is no point just giving away such a gift if you dont really want to strive and fight for it, the end goal is paradise, if you want it you need to start using your brain, the path is right in front of you its right there but it requires people to participate, but thats for later, first we need to create a more just and fair society and when people start get used to fairness then I believe people then will want more of it and more of it then you can say as society we are on the right path.

Bravo to Sen Lindsey Graham ! :)
