There is a way to get a hold of this enormous problem and turn it around like other countries have been doing it and successfuly, but it requires mature leaders on all levels to send out the right message for people to take this opportunity to do some very simple steps to turn the event towards the right direction, not telling their listeners that the numbers of infected people are all a deep state conspiracy, not putting ideas in peoples head that wearing a mask instead spread the virus, not telling people that you will suffer oxigen deficiency and risk of getting brain damage, it's all nonsense, because, the fact is, if you didn't get enough oxigen in you, your body would have let you know immediately if that was the case, your body will show signs of distress if you were low on oxigen, the same amount the same volume of air you are breathing out the same amount volume of new air you are breathing in, so no changes there, what you should do is to change your mask on daily basis, social distancing wearing a mask is the easiest way to keeping this virus in check, but it requires responsible people in public to direct people to the right path, look at these Republican elected officials who helped get this fals optimism from President Trump and opened up everything in their states, look in a two weeks period, you now have 10 000 new cases every damn day, so who bears responsibility for this disastrous idea upon countless of others, the economy is historic low, people are suffering in fact 350 million Americans are suffering because of one man's inactions and recklessness, these are all facts folks, pardon my French, fuck politics, the facts speaks volumes, four more years of this enormous disastrous leadership will go down in history books and recovering in one piece will be an undertaking I wouldnt wish on any new incoming president, it's not an easy job to right all wrongs by a selfish self serving president like Mr Trump, I feel very sorry for VP Joe Biden but he has to do the impossible, and we wish him all the best in his historic task.
