No further comments needed here, and yes, our military never leaves any soul behind anywhere, I personally would never send anyone anywhere if I was not ready to be there at front myself too, if anyone told me right now, c Mon let's go we have some POWs somewhere we have to rescue, I would have done so, I would have had to stop smoking get a month of cardio training then I would have come and if it was too urgent then I would have had to get back in shape till we get there, the point here is, our military personnel should always know, if it was up to me and may other senior military personnel, we would have risked the life of ten brave men to get you out of anywhere let alone knowing there is a conspiracy out there to harm our military personnel and set it aside without doing something about it, if this is true that President Trump knew about it and neglected it, that would be another reason why he should not have another office, and another question here is, I had ordered the Talibs not to attack coalition forced under any circumstances so why is this happening now ?? One answer could be that some people wants to make things more difficult for me, that wouldn't be very wise.
