Love Andrew Yang the WangMan :) hi understands the problems at hand, I wanna say this, before I got here, I agreed on his 1000 dollars citizenry salary cheque, I was judging it based on the purchase power living in EU where you get twise much than a dollar is worth here, people need to know what 35000 here is concerned minimum wage but in EU, you are living large on 35000 dollars or EU, so paying citizens 1000 dollars is like giving a dude 500 EU, it's not that much, the guy might get insulted, I think ma man Andrew Wang is too could be more generous than that and taking everything considered here agree on a 2000 dollar payment, 1000 dollar won't do the job, I was thinking a 1000 dollars in Europe, here 2000 will do the job, is my opinion, I would love to see Andrew Yang hired by Soon Mr President Josef Biden 2020  ! :)
