I agree, spreading the idea to the American people that mail in voting is a risky business and that democracy of a country is this out of order is a very dumb notion to actively working to get out there, makes people paranoid about everything, in this case making the citizens believe no matter how many of our intelligent bright minds working to make sure these ballots are safe as we can do it has been ineffective all these years before in my mind is a disinformation that should not be repeated or entertained, while we instead should do is to make voting simpler, I have never ever worried about the safety aspects of it, we have smart people working on that, and their integrity should never ever be questioned by anyone like Mr Trump or anything else, I have a brilliant idea, I say we should have a system where right after any election day, we should in all these methods of voting we have in place today, with the same ways the day after any election day, we should be able to cast our votes to whoever want, it means, the contest for the next elections begins officially right election day, and why do you want to do that you might say, the reason is, if our elected officials from day one see how they are doing they will work harder from the pressure to keep themselves more to promises priviously made, they can follow their ratings in real time, and it also involves the community in a much grander scale, our future rockstar is gonna be our elected to public office, where anyone can be a true hero, wouldn't that be something, a world where people strive to be best in doing good and be recognized for it instead of worshipping Corruption like today, tomorrow could look different if there is maturity for it.
