India-China Border Dispute Turns Deadly

These precise kind of bad behaviour is what make sure the ending of the Communist Party unjustly ruling over the innocent Chinese people, it is this kind of acts that will pave the way for war to break out with them going after land that does not historically belong to them and thereby inflict horrific loses on the otherwise innocent people of not just the Chinese people but rest of the world as well, what is clear is that seeking trouble when its not needed because they cant keep their pride in check finally will enrage the rest of the free world and again who knows what happens next, it always starts small then grow out of proportion then we will all regret it, but tell that to the ones drunk on bride, they wont get it, they finally will but right now being intoxicated on pride there are no ears to listen to the rest of the world, just another fact to prove this point communists should ask themselves, are you loved or most hated around the world, the answer is no one but a few dictators supports you, well except the Pakistanis who just love godless communists, them aside no one else likes you and your own people despise you too for the most part, how long you think you can withstand this, there are three ways this would end at, one is peaceful the other two are not, either way you are gonna lose.
