Joe Biden blasts Trump's Covid response

When President Trump said, with less test comes When President Trump said if we stopped testing we would have less cases, what he is saying is, he doesnt care about you and the love ones you have lost, because if it was totally up to him, he wouldnt tested any of you and whatever happens to you is your own bad luck, is this how a president of a country should care of his people, what is saying is out of sight out of mind, but that is not how a leader of a country should reason, its the worst kind of reasoning, its not reasoning at all, like when he said a week back or so, when he wanted to punish the state with Dem majority leaders with holding funds from them, as if there are no Reps in those states who voted for him, to punish one or two individuals he doesnt like he wants to drag all in those states down even people who voted for him down, you all know he doesnt care about you, even if you have done him nothing but happens to live in a state with a Dem representative he doesnt like, in my view, one term is enough, we have domestic problems that in my view VP Joe Biden would have handled better, I want to end with this and its a very serious one, if President Trump would have taken this Corona business seriously from the beginning things would have looked different right now, in terms of lives lost in terms of the pressure on American families with the economy, look at the statistics, America with 4% of the world population have over 35% of corona infected around the world, what does this tell you, it tells me, government did something profoundly wrong here, the numbers speaks for itself, and if you are of those who have not lost love ones thank God for that, but each month over 50 000 Americans are dying from this virus, each month, 50 000 people, what does the president to say them, he said what he meant, out of sight is out of mind, means he doesnt care about any of you, as a businessman you can harbor these thoughts and act as you please but as a caretaker of a nation these are the last attributes you want to see in your dear leader, you need to get out there and vote people, vote Sonny Salvador ! kidding vote Biden, I am soon sailing to Hawaii myself to check things out and I am not sure if I am getting back but thats a couple of months out, I am planning to cross the Pacific, so I can have that under my belt too, something to brag about :) I am thinking to sail to Taiwan and Japan, love Japan, I am going there to see how far they have come with my order, the things I ordered there, I asked if they could be so nice and design a whipping machine for me, I have talked about that before, I need to see how far they have come maybe it needs some design changes or something, so I need to be there at place to see, anyways its gonna be fun, brother need some ACTION :)
