Keisha Lance Bottoms says Rayshard Brooks' Death 'Didn’t have to happen ...

People even police officers everyone MUST have humanity enough to know, you do NOT shoot a person in the back, and certainly not twice, one of those hollow point bullets are more than enough to kill a person, people MUST understand this, people must understand they are sentencing a person to their death, and for what, for running away from police, it cant be right, on the Day of Judgment these people WILL come to answer their Lord, and we know what the punishment for murder is then, I know some believe no matter what a person do here in this world as long as they just "believe" in Jesus they will always have a free pass, you are free to believe that but I also have the right to tell you, you are dead wrong on this, you cannot kill a person and believe there will be no consequences for that, and beside this, what would Jesus do in these situations, well you know what he would do I dont have to remind you of that, but all this aside again, you never shoot a person in the back, only a coward do that, a skittish person who never belonged on the force to begin with, all I hope in this time is for our police officers to start using all this attention for good or worse to improve how they deal with these clear cut matters in the future, a police officer must be a brave person, not an unmanly coward with a gun, I recommend the police officer who shot Mr Brooks get sentence for second degree murder and his colleague he shouldnt get punished for anything, he is blameless in this incident, look there is an old saying, you rather let ten offenders go free than wrongly convict one innocent person, this is a healthy philosophy that have a play in most situations, in this case like, the police officers should have let Mr Brooks go home in one way or the other like helping him give his family a call to pick him up or even to give him a ride to his doorsteps, what you do not is to shoot a man in the back, thats such a bad sense of judgment that now it has caused the murder of a man, and who is to blame here, no doubt the shooting officer, the next best thing that could be done here is for the good officers to raise their voices and do not let the police unions which are acting very extreme in these cases, they are like lawyers and according to them their clients never do anything wrong, one cannot reason with such sentiment who some are holding on so tight just because they want to win an argument, there is no sense of self reflection here from the police unions to help resolve these unfortunate situations, so the good officers they have to raise their voices in this vacuum and for them to do that they need strong encouragement from their superiors like the police chiefs, it will perhaps be a little bit hard and difficult in the beginning but this culture has to be changed, everybody knows only a big man recognizes past mistakes and do right to correct them, a small man does the opposite, be a man of constant change we are here to evolve to a better version of ourselves to the last breath we have been granted by God, you are not primates you are human beings, in any rate, I am glad to see Major Keisha Lance Bottoms standing her ground and speaking her mind honestly, bravo to her, we need more of elected officials like her, may God bless her and her family, and I hope this will be the last incident in Atlanta, God willing Amen.
