Lebanon has detained at least 100 activists since October

As long as these activists are not freed, not a penny shall be granted for its corrupt government from the monetary fund the world bank anyone, and also I believe it is about time to start sanctioning some of their selected corrupt officials as well, and as long as Hezbsheytan is in the government not a dime should be loaned to its government, we dont negotiate with drug trading terror cults which Hezbsheytan is a part of, I cant believe these cult followers, first of all they are for the most part uneducated unschooled grew up working on the streets, thats one faction in this cult, the other are their business oriented people who are distributing these drugs allover EU countries, to be honest, in Sodom I never met any dedicated Hezbsheytan sympathisers or members who has not been very very criminal, thats first, they sell drugs, they do everything the Holy Quran has warned us about, these people are the opposite of that, and where do these losers get their information from, they all those in Lebanon that is, they sit day and night at these tee houses smoking their shia day in and day out and watch Al Manar, the official tv channel of Hezbesheytan, then they go around and call any other for disbeliever, when none of them has ever opened the Holy Quran and see whats written in it, they are the biggest hypocrites of them all, we have fools like these in other denominations as well, its nothing new, tragically this is how things looks like all over, then we have these educated more tolerant well behaved civilized Lebanese and this time instead of these totalitarian cults going after them to punish them instead now they have to worry about their selected criminal officials too, this is going too far, if it is not stopped right now, we must sanction their corrupt officials letting them know, this is not the wild west where you can do anything you want thinking you can get away with it.

The Revolution must go on till the whole damn system is replaced, so help you God, Amen. 
